Health Benefits Of Mosambi:
Mosambi is a versatile fruit with a sweet and sour taste. This amazing fruit renders terrific nutritional value. This fruit is widely consumed in the form of drinks, jams, pickles, candies, snacks and sorbets. The juice of this fruit is also versatile and is used in salads and to marinate meat. Some of the health benefits of mosambi are given below.
1. Aids Digestion:
Mosambi has a high content of flavonoids that stimulate the digestive system by increasing the secretion of digestive juices, acids and bile. Hence, mosambi juice is often recommended to people suffering from indigestion, irregular bowel movement and other gastrointestinal problems. Thus, it aids digestion by neutralizing the acidic digestive juices produced by the stomach and flushes out the toxins from the excretory system. The compounds found in this fruit are beneficial for peristaltic motion. Sweet lime also helps in controlling diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
2. Relieves Constipation:
The acids in mosambi flush out the toxins from the bowel tracts. Moreover, the fruit contains dietary fiber, which enables the roughage to act as a purgative treatment for those suffering from constipation. Lime juice with a pinch of salt is often recommended to patients with constipation problems.
3. Prevents Scurvy:
Scurvy is a disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin C. This disease is characterized by bleeding, swollen gums, frequent bouts of flu and cold, ulcers in the mouth and tongue, and cracked lip corners. The sweet limes can stop the bleeding of gums. Mix mosambi juice with a few drops of pure water and add a pinch of black salt to the mixture. This mixture should be applied to the affected gums for an immediate relief from bleeding gums. Halitosis (bad breath) can be eliminated by sipping lime juice and sucking on lime rinds.
4. Peptic Ulcers:
The flavonoids present in mosambi such as Limomin Glucoside have anti-carcinogenic, antioxidant, detoxifying, and antibiotic properties which are very effective in healing oral and peptic ulcers.
5. Respiratory Problems:
The oil extracts of mosambi have anti-congestive properties which clean and keep various respiratory problems at bay. Thus, they are often used in balms, inhalers and vaporizers.
6. Improves The Immune System:
The regular consumption of mosambi juice brings about an improvement in the overall heart functioning. Thus, it ensures proper blood circulation and contributes to a much healthier immune system. Vitamin C boosts the immunity levels and prevents cold.
7. Anti-Cancer Properties:
The limonoids present in sweet limes help in fighting different types of cancer. Limonoids are attached to a sugar molecule called glucose, which is easily digested.
8. Protection Against Rheumatoid Arthritis:
Being rich in vitamin C, mosambi provides protection and prevention against inflammation and swelling. This fantastic fruit also reduces the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
9. Facilitates Weight Loss:
Mosambi helps in weight loss. Drinking a glass of lukewarm water with lime juice and honey helps to shed those extra pounds. Mosambi juice reduces the cholesterol level and controls the blood pressure.
10. Urinary Disorders:
Mosambi has a high concentration of potassium which detoxifies the kidneys, bladder and has the ability to cure infections in the urinary bladder.
11. Gout:
The antioxidants present in mosambi help in flushing out uric acid and free radicals from the body. Vitamin C helps in neutralizing the free radicals in the body.